Crystal spheres

Crystal spheres

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Tiger’s Eye

Enhances grounding

Increases psychic skills

Encourages the rising of the kundalini through the chakras

Promotes energetic protection

Stimulates compassion

Aids you in sorting through details and completing tedious tasks

Helps you pull together many details in order to make sense of a whole

Aids in removing negative habits

Instills self-confidence and inner-strength – a personal empowerment stone

Promotes equality and integrity

Stabilizes energy

Banishes depression

Heals the eyes

Balances disorders of the reproductive system

Aids in the energetic healing of broken bones

Helps you succeed on tests and exams

Encourages success in business meetings


Increases accurate intuitive thoughts

Encourages successful stilling of the mind during meditation

Brings out the truth in any situation

Helps you to stand up for yourself

Protects you from electromagnetic pollution

Enhances group cooperation

Aids you in speaking your truth

Banishes bad habits and negative thinking patterns

Aids you in absorbing new information and learning new things

Removes fear

Banishes guilt

Encourages self-confidence

Encourages a healthy metabolism

Relieves insomnia

Reduce fevers


Increases creativity

Protects you from negative energies

Activates your intuition

Helps you to manifest abundance, wealth, and prosperity

Encourages sharing

Promotes happiness and joy

Increases your self-esteem and confidence

Encourages a positive attitude

Enhance concentration

Helps you to overcome your fears

Increases ease of communication

Balances your emotions

Instills inner-strength and inner power

Can energetically diminish the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Energetically supports the healing of eye problems

Energetically helps with blood circulation

Can help to rebalance your energy to relieve menstrual or digestive problems

Energetically supports and balances the thyroid


Promotes energetic protection

Reveals the truth in any situation

Exposes areas of yourself that need growth and development

Facilitates past life ascension and regression

Blocks negative energies from entering your auric field

Enhances grounding

Shields you from electromagnetic pollution

Banishes negative energy

Brings peace and calming

Encourages living in a virtuous manner

Increases courage

Encourages personal growth

Facilitates compassion

Reduces energetic causes of arthritis pain

Assists with energetic detoxification of the physical body

Assists you in maintaining proper circulation

Enhances accuracy in scrying divination

Balances the energy of the mind, body, and spirit

Aids in acceptance of your weaknesses so that you can begin to heal and correct them

Helps you to address issues of control and power struggles

Enhances the experience of shamanic ceremonies and rituals

Removes negative thought patterns and conditioning

Rose Quartz

Promotes unconditional love, peace, and compassion

Inspires self-love

Promotes an attitude of Lovingkindness

Calms after traumatic events

Instills tenderness

Promotes mutual understanding

Adds spark to a romance and promote trust

Eases mid-life crisis

Soothes a broken heart

Helps with emotional balance

Encourages friendship & maternal love

Eases the grieving process

Promotes forgiveness, trust, and understanding

Helps with healing lungs

Increases fertility

Treats a poor complexion

Clear quartz

Powerful for energizing the physical and energetic bodies

Assists with healing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies

Purifies and cleanses the physical and energetic bodies

Amplifies your intentions for manifesting and co-creating with the universe

Assists you with any kind of spiritual work

Promotes mental clarity

Amplifies energy in crystal layouts or grids

Enhances your inner vision and intuition

Balances and aligns the chakra centers

Protects you energetically

Smoky quartz

Promotes grounding

Enhances protection from negative energy

Increases energy during meditation

Encourages environmental concern and ecological consciousness

Relieves stress

Promotes peace and calming

Blocks electromagnetic pollution

Reduces geopathic stress

Aids in detoxifying the physical body

Removes fear

Enhances passion

Dispels bad dreams

Enhances accuracy in scrying divination

Promotes intuitive insight

Stimulates concentration

Promotes communication

Aids in stilling the mind for successful meditation

Helpful for energetic support of people undergoing chemotherapy

Aids in manifesting

Assists one in managing detailed projects

Relieves physical pain

Heals problems associated with the lower half of the physical body

Removes headache pain


Protects you against negative energies

Blocks electromagnetic stresses

Enhances motivation

Relieves energetic causes of insomnia

Enhance memory

Promotes positive dreams and aids in their interpretation

Assists with emotional balance

Aids in receiving and interpreting Divine guidance

Helps you become open to your intuition and psychic abilities

Strengthens your metabolism and immune system energetically

Enhances meditation

Eases headaches (especially those caused by energetic blockages)

Facilitates a connection with the spirit

Aids in weight loss by addressing food-addiction and portion-control problems

Heals and cleanses the mind, body, and spirit.

Dragon's Blood

Helps you understand your thoughts and emotions

Strong connection to the heart Chakra

Boosts strength and courage

Grounds and centers during meditation

Strengthens the bond between child and parent

Calms and relaxes in times of stress

Aids with recovery from mental trauma